How to Choose the Right TIG Torch for You

By Sarah Mazlin


7 minutes


If you’re going to start TIG welding, you’ll need two things: a welding machine and a welding torch. Every UNIMIG welder comes with a base torch, but plenty of applications might require that you switch up the type of torch you connect to your machine. No matter what you might need, we have it.

Torch Sizes

TIG torches come in a number of set sizes: 9, 17, 18 & 26.

These, generally, are in numerical order, in that 9 is the smallest size torch and 26 is the largest. ‘Generally,’ because the size 20 torch is the water-cooled version of the size 9 (but UNIMIG doesn’t sell that torch). The size 18 torch is the same as the size 17, but it is also water-cooled rather than air-cooled.

The smaller the torch you purchase, the lighter it will be, but the hotter it will get at higher amps. Professional welders often prefer a lighter torch so that they can weld for longer before their hand gets fatigued. On the flip side, the bigger the torch, the higher amperage you can run it at. A size 26 torch can use more power and stay cooler for longer than a size 9.

Each torch uses the same types of consumables, which each have their own sizes that fit inside when put together. A size 9 torch will have much smaller consumables than a size 26, meaning you can’t mix and match.

Arc Torchology

UNIMIG Arc Torchology TIG Torches are our very own home-grown torches. They follow the same sizing pattern as standard TIG torches. Keep in mind that the consumables used for these torches aren’t compatible with any others, so if you’ve got an Arc Torchology torch, you’re going to need the specific consumables designed for it. There’s good news, though, as these torches come with some added bonuses you won’t get from a standard torch.

The consumables used have up to 20x longer life with better performance than standard TIG torch consumables. While it’s not an option to mix and match between brands, why would you want to when UNIMIG consumables last longer, meaning you’ll be spending less in the long run with less replacements needed.

On top of great consumables, a few technologies are employed in every Arc Torchology torch that really add the cherry on top.

Force Cool Technology

Force cool technology: a highly effective series of passages and wells force cool the collet, maximising conductivity and extending consumable life.

Heat Zone Isolation Technology

Heat zone technology: transferred heat from the ceramic cup is isolated by a unique external barrier resulting in cooler running torches with increased power to weight performance ratios.

Tungsten Release System

Tungsten release system technology: trouble-free extension of the electrode with a 180° twist of the back cap. There is no need to remove any other wear parts to extend the electrode.

BI Flow Technology

Bi-flow technology: high-capacity cooling chambers remove excessive heat at source, allowing greater performance from a smaller body. Bi-flow is only available on the water-cooled T3W.

Air vs Water-Cooled

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Air-cooled torches are cooled by air (with a fan inside the machine), and water-cooled welders are hooked up to a water-cooler unit. Water-cooled torches have a higher duty cycle and so will last longer before heating up.

Duty Cycle

Duty cycle is measured in 10-minute increments, so if you have a 60% duty cycle, you’ll have 6 minutes of constant use and then 4 minutes cooldown time. Welding torches have their own duty cycles that are separate from the machines.

Torch duty cycles are much higher than a machine’s, though, so you’ll pretty much never have to worry about your torch overheating before your machine. The only way you’d manage something like that is if you were to attach, say, an SB15 torch (max 180A) onto a Razor 500 Welder set to its max 500 amps.

If a torch does overheat, it won’t shut off like the machines do; the consumables inside it will just start burning up, as there’s no thermal overload protection on them.

The other difference between the duty cycle listed on a UNIMIG machine and a UNIMIG torch is that the machine’s duty cycle is its performance at the maximum amps.

In contrast, a torch can run on higher amps than what is listed. The listed duty cycles on the torches are the recommended max amps they should be used at (and are roughly 75% of the max power of the machines they’re paired with), but they can all run at higher amps.

This does affect the duty cycle, which will get lower the more you up the amps. Even with a lowered duty cycle, a torch will still last longer than the machine.

There’s a good reason for the way every machine is paired up with its torch, and the torch provided will always be able to handle whatever the machine is pumping out. You don’t have to stress about whether the torch is the right match for your welder.

Arc Torchology TIG Torches

T2 Tig Torch UmT2F4M T3 Tig Torch UmT3F4M T3W Tig Torch T3W-3Khl-4M

T2 TIG Torch

T3 TIG Torch

T3W TIG Torch

  • Air-cooled
  • Tungsten electrode size 1.0mm-3.2mm
  • Dinse size 35/50
  • DC duty cycle: 35% @ 190A
  • AC duty cycle: 35% @ 135A
  • High-Frequency
  • Air-cooled
  • Tungsten electrode size 1.6mm-3.2mm
  • Dinse size 35/50
  • DC duty cycle: 35% @ 240A
  • AC duty cycle: 35% @ 170A
  • High-Frequency
  • Water-cooled
  • Tungsten electrode size 1.6mm-3.2mm
  • Dinse size 35/50
  • DC duty cycle: 100% @ 400A
  • AC duty cycle: 100% @ 280A
  • High-Frequency

As well as all the benefits of the Arc Torchology line, the T2 is the same size as an SR17 with the performance of an SR26.  You get more bang for your buck and more power in a smaller gun.

The T3 is the same size as the SR26, but it comes with 30% more power than it, plus all the other great parts of being an Arc Torchology gun.

The T3W is the same size as the T2 and is water-cooled (the W stands for water). You’ll need to purchase a water-cooling unit for this torch.

View more info: T2 TIG Torch, T3 TIG Torch & T3W TIG Torch

High-Frequency TIG Torches

SR9 Tig Torch Sr-9-4McP50 SR17 Tig Torch Sr-17-4McP50-1 SR26 Tig Torch Sr-26-4McP50-1

SR9 TIG Torch

SR17 TIG Torch

SR26 TIG Torch

  • Air-cooled
  • Tungsten electrode size 1.0mm-3.2mm
  • Dinse size 35/50
  • DC duty cycle: 35% @ 125A
  • AC duty cycle: 35% @ 90A
  • High-Frequency
  • Air-cooled
  • Tungsten electrode size 1.0mm-3.2mm
  • Dinse size 35/50
  • DC duty cycle: 35% @ 150A
  • AC duty cycle: 35% @ 105A
  • High-Frequency
  • Air-cooled
  • Tungsten electrode size 1.0mm-3.2mm
  • Dinse size 35/50
  • DC duty cycle: 35% @ 180A
  • AC duty cycle: 35% @ 125A
  • High-Frequency
SR18 Tig Torch Sr-18-4McP50    

SR18 Water-Cooled TIG Torch

  • Water-cooled
  • Tungsten electrode size 1.0mm-3.2mm
  • Dinse size 35/50
  • DC duty cycle: 100% @ 380A
  • AC duty cycle: 100% @ 270A
  • High-Frequency

These torches are your standard, run of the mill, High-Frequency (HF) TIG torches, which use standard interchangeable consumables. The main differences between these torches are how big they are (which affects how big your electrode can be) and their max amps/duty cycle. If you’re looking to get the water-cooled SR18, don’t forget that you’ll need to purchase the water-cooling unit as well.

View more info: SR9 TIG Torch, SR17 TIG Torch, SR26 TIG Torch & SR18 Water-Cooled TIG Torch

Valve TIG Torches

9V Tig Torch 9V-4McP25 17V Tig Torch 17V-4McP25 26V Tig Torch 26V-4McP50

9V TIG Torch

17V TIG Torch

26V TIG Torch

  • Air-cooled
  • Tungsten electrode size 1.0mm-3.2mm
  • Dinse size 10/25 or 35/50
  • DC duty cycle: 35% @ 125A
  • AC duty cycle: 35% @ 90A
  • Valve (lift arc)
  • Air-cooled
  • Tungsten electrode size 1.0mm-3.2mm
  • Dinse size 10/25 or 35/50
  • DC duty cycle: 35% @ 150A
  • AC duty cycle: 35% @ 105A
  • Valve (lift arc)
  • Air-cooled
  • Tungsten electrode size 1.0mm-3.2mm
  • Dinse size 35/50
  • DC duty cycle: 35% @ 180A
  • AC duty cycle: 35% @ 125A
  • Valve (lift arc)

These torches are your everyday, standard valve TIG torches. Like the HF torches, the main differences between these three are the size and the max amps/duty cycle. Instead of pressing a button, these torches work by twisting the valve to let the gas flow. There is no water-cooled version of a valve torch.

View more info: 9V TIG Torch, 17V TIG Torch & 26V TIG Torch

Every UNIMIG AC/DC TIG welder comes with a T2 or T3 torch.

If you’ve purchased a 3-in-1 multi-process welder, these only come with a MIG torch and stick electrode holder, so you’ll need to buy a separate TIG torch that has a matching dinse size (otherwise, it won’t plug in) and a high enough amperage level.

Personal preferences about how big you want the torch will also influence your decision, but keep in mind that these multi-process machines are not compatible with HF torches. You’ll have to purchase a valve torch.

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