Lanthanated Tungsten Electrodes

Lanthanated Tungsten Electrodes

WL15 1.5% Lanthanated Tungsten Electrodes (AWS classification EWLa-1.5) contain a minimum of 97.80 per cent tungsten and 1.30 per cent to 1.70 per cent lanthanum and are known as 1.5 per cent lanthanated. These electrodes have excellent arc starting, a low burn-off rate, good arc stability, and excellent re-ignition characteristics. Lanthanated tungstens also share the conductivity characteristics of 2 per cent thoriated tungsten.

Lanthanated tungsten electrodes are ideal if you want to optimise your welding capabilities. They work well on AC or DC electrode negative with a pointed end, or they can be balled for use with AC sine wave power sources. Lanthanated tungsten maintains a sharpened point well, which is an advantage for welding steel and stainless steel on DC or AC from square wave power sources.
